NWA Funding Awards Announcements

Are you a grad student interested in exploring a career in archives?

NWA’s Student at Large scholarship offers an annual $500 in funding to encourage graduate students to pursue their aspirations for a career in archives. Up to four scholarships may be awarded each year.

The deadline to apply is March 1.

Please see detailed application instructions here: http://www.northwestarchivists.org/studentscholarship

Contact Elizabeth Russell at elizabeth.russell@providence.org with any questions.

Are you an archivist interested in taking a course or training whose employer pays little or nothing toward professional development? If so, apply for the Professional Development Scholarship.

NWA offers an annual $500 scholarship to enable practicing archivists to attend workshops, institutes, conferences, or other training opportunities. This scholarship was designed to provide professional development funding to practicing archivists who are self-employed or who receive inadequate financial support for professional development. Up to four scholarships may be awarded each year.

The deadline to apply is March 1.

Please see detailed application instructions here: http://www.northwestarchivists.org/profdevscholarship

Contact Elizabeth Russell at elizabeth.russell@providence.org with any questions.

Want to bring archival educational opportunities to your area? Want to connect archivists within your state or far-flung region? Want to bring a prominent archivist to your area to talk or maybe have them present over zoom? Want to hold an unconference around a hot-button archival issue? 

Get money from the Continuing Education Fund! We’ve helped fund unconferences, SAA webinars and in-person workshops in the past. We’ve even helped fund a read-along book club for AK archivists. Each state is allotted $500 per year. Not sure how you can make it work or just have a kernel of an idea? Just email and we can work with you to get your continuing educational proposal off the ground.  

The deadline to apply is March 1. 

Please see detailed application instructions here: https://northwestarchivistsinc.wildapricot.org/Continuing-Education-Fund 

Contact Josh Zimmerman Joshua.zimmerman@seattlearch.org with any questions.